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File a Complaint

With the Utah Office of Professional Conduct

What To Expect:

  • After a Complaint form is submitted a Utah OPC attorney will review the information. If the information provided implicates possible rule violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct by the named lawyer, the matter will be investigated by the OPC.
  • Attorney and LPP discipline matters are governed by the Rules of Discipline, Disability and Sanctions (“RDDS”), which do not give specific deadlines for completing the investigative process. Nonetheless, we have found that cases that are not dismissed prior to a screening panel hearing typically proceed according to the following timeline:
    • Initial Investigation – 150 Days. (gathering documents, reviewing materials to determine if rules may have been violated)
    • Follow-up Investigation – 120 Days. (getting a formal response from the lawyer, gathering and reviewing additional materials as necessary)
    • Screening Panel Process – 90 Days. (requesting that the matter be heard by a Screening Panel if we feel the lawyer engaged in misconduct)
  • The information you provide to the OPC will be shared with the lawyer with whom you have a problem. Please be aware the OPC does not represent any party during the investigation.
  • The OPC will keep you informed of the progress of the investigation and will notify you of the final disposition.

What Not To Expect:

  • The OPC cannot give you legal assistance or legal advice. It may be necessary to act promptly to protect your rights and that commencement of a civil action may be required to preserve your rights. The completion of this form does not constitute commencement of a civil action, such as a malpractice action, and the Office of Professional Conduct will not commence any such action. It is your responsibility to seek and obtain any necessary legal advice with respect to this matter.
  • The OPC cannot direct the lawyer to take or refrain from a particular action.
  • The OPC cannot help you find a new lawyer to handle your matter. You may find a new lawyer using the Utah State Bar’s Licensed Lawyer website, If you are seeking free and reduced legal assistance you may wish to contact the Utah State Bar’s Access to Justice Department for information on available resources, 801-531-9077.
  • The disciplinary process is not designed to provide you with reimbursement or other monetary compensation.
  • The OPC does not have jurisdiction concerning a judge’s or commissioner’s conduct. The Judicial Conduct Commission investigates judicial conduct.
  • If your problem involves a fee dispute. The Utah State Bar offers a voluntary program to assist attorneys , LPPs, and clients in quickly and inexpensively resolving fee disputes.

File a Complaint

Please be aware your decision to submit a complaint should not be made lightly or without justification. Once a complaint is filed, even if you wish to withdraw it, it may not be able to be withdrawn. This is a decision that must be made by the OPC. The OPC does not discourage attempts by you and the lawyer to resolve your dispute or address the problem. However, if your concerns are regarding an attorney's or LPP's professional conduct, the first step is to complete a complaint form.

The complaint form will be submitted to the OPC for review. If the information provided implicates possible rule violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct by the lawyer, the matter will be investigated by the OPC.

Please note that we cannot accept an anonymous complaint. Also, we cannot accept complaints against an entire law firm or organization, and you will need to identify the specific individuals you are complaining about. If you do not provide a full name, a complete address, and a phone number where we can reach you, the information you provide may not be considered a complaint and you may not be entitled to further information in the event an investigation is opened.

If you are unable to complete the complaint form online, please print and mail the form to the OPC.

The lawyer search tool may help you identify the contact information for the subject of your complaint. However, if you are complaining about someone who is not a member of the Utah State Bar, or you cannot locate them with the search tool, you may still submit a complaint to the OPC for review.

"*" indicates required fields

Your Information:

Lawyer Information:


Tell us the problem you are having. Please give a detailed statement of facts, including dates and places, explaining why you are requesting assistance with regard to this lawyer. Inform us if the lawyer represents you or another party. If your problem involves a matter in court please provide the case number:
Upload Files that Support Your Allegations of Misconduct. Supporting documents could include, but may not be limited to, a copy of your fee agreement, correspondence with the lawyer, and proof of payment. (32MB Max Size):
Drop files here or
Accepted file types: jpg, gif, png, pdf, doc, txt, docx, Max. file size: 128 MB, Max. files: 5.


    Have you talked with the lawyer named about the subject of this request?*
    Have you contacted the Office of Professional Conduct about this lawyer before?*
    Under what circumstances have you contacted the Office of Professional Conduct about this lawyer before?

    This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

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    Name Bar Number Organization Type Status Bar Admit Date